We Are Leaves on a Tree

tree of life

Consider the vital role of leaves in supporting life for our world. In leaf unfurlingspringtime they emerge and unfurl to take on crucial “respiring responsibilities” to absorb carbon dioxide for their tree and convert it to oxygen for other living creatures.

They take in the “bad air” and transform it to “good air” for our planet to thrive.photosynthesis diagram  Leaves use the life giving energy of the sun to power photosynthesis, that complex physiological process producing the oxygen essential for mankind and the animal kingdom of our world. The primary purpose of leaves is to channel CO2 to their tree and provide life-giving breath for our planet.

tree in fallAnd then when their “tree time” ends, they further invest themselves as enriching nutrients to the soil surrounding the roots of the same tree they served in life.

leaves on a treeAs leaves of the Body of Christ our task is so similar—to take in the spiritual energy of Our Son and channel that power to radiate life-giving love to all around us.

light through the leafThe Spirit of Jesus Christ in us acts just as transformational as photosynthesis does  in leaves. His Presence in us will  positively impact our environment with the “good love” that dispels “bad love”, causing it to disappear. Our Son Light is seen in the compelling expressions, actions, and reactions of love that usher others to God’s gift of eternal life. This is our essential mission in life.leaves of love

However, just like leaves, we will one day find ourselves in the “October of life” and the beginning of our “fall”. leaf fallingWhy do we call this season “fall”? Like leaves our formerly green and flexible “soul stems” attaching us to the Tree of Life have now become crisp and brittle twigs. The never ceasing winds of life will soon detach us from our “earthly tree”.  Like leaves we fall individually to the earth, but we’re not alone. Many crusty companions await us “on the ground”.leaves waiting on others

And together we rejoice in our “soul” purpose of having offered life to our world.  photosynthesisAs members of the Body of Christ our “leaf life” has been the perpetual release of the oxygenizing Gospel message of Christ to all those around us–the essence of our existence.

Just like leaves….
We each have a life cycle to complete,
We each fall eventually to the ground,
We each should leave valuable nutrients for our world.
What leaf legacy will we deposit to enrich spiritual soil for successive generations?

Think about this.

tree with no leavesWhat would a tree be with no leaves? Eventually dead. Even as their roots strive to draw nourishment from the soil, their leaves are vital for the tree’s life and productive process.

we are leavesLeaves evidence a living tree—one that it is alive. In the same way our active witness are the visible leaves that demonstrate we are “living” Christians. This testimony enhances our environment and offers spiritual promise to others.

 Like leaves emit oxygen, we must exude the essence of eternal life for others. When time comes for our “fall”, and we have fallen, our spiritual legacy remains to enrich the generations to follow. Future generations can stand on our example, life lessons, and testimony as they begin to build their own heritage.

leave legacy

We like leaves one day must “leave” and our “leaf of life” must leave a spiritual heirloom to keep the message of Christ flowing. The majestic current of Christ has been coursing through generation to  generation for over 2,000 years. If we are not active and effective leaves our world could become a desert. Yet Christ living in us will never allow that to happen.
leaf and fruit“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

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